Calling Conventions

Radare2 uses calling conventions to help in identifying function formal arguments and return types. It is used also as a guide for basic function prototype and type propagation.

[0x00000000]> afc?
|Usage: afc[agl?]
| afc convention  Manually set calling convention for current function
| afc             Show Calling convention for the Current function
| afc=([cctype])  Select or show default calling convention
| afcr[j]         Show register usage for the current function
| afca            Analyse function for finding the current calling convention
| afcf[j] [name]  Prints return type function(arg1, arg2...), see afij
| afck            List SDB details of call loaded calling conventions
| afcl            List all available calling conventions
| afco path       Open Calling Convention sdb profile from given path
| afcR            Register telescoping using the calling conventions order
  • To list all available calling conventions for current architecture using afcl command
[0x00000000]> afcl
  • To display function prototype of standard library functions you have afcf command
[0x00000000]> afcf printf
int printf(const char *format)
[0x00000000]> afcf fgets
char *fgets(char *s, int size, FILE *stream)

All this information is loaded via sdb under /libr/anal/d/cc-[arch]-[bits].sdb


cc.x.argi=rax is used to set the ith argument of this calling convention to register name rax

cc.x.argn=stack means that all the arguments (or the rest of them in case there was argi for any i as counting number) will be stored in stack from left to right

cc.x.argn=stack_rev same as cc.x.argn=stack except for it means argument are passed right to left