Migration from IDA, GDB or WinDBG

This chapter aims to ease that migration process for users coming from debuggers like IDA Pro, LLDB, GDB, or WinDBG. We'll explore how common debugging workflows and commands map between these tools and radare2, highlighting both similarities and key differences.

How to run the program using the debugger

r2 -d /bin/ls - start in debugger mode => [video]

How do I attach/detach to running process ? (gdb -p)

r2 -d <pid> - attach to process

r2 ptrace://pid - same as above, but only for io (not debugger backend hooked)

[0x7fff6ad90028]> o-225 - close fd=225 (listed in o~[1]:0)

r2 -D gdb gdb://localhost:1234 - attach to gdbserver

How to set args/environment variable/load a specific libraries for the debugging session of radare

Use rarun2 (libpath=$PWD:/tmp/lib, arg2=hello, setenv=FOO=BAR ...) see rarun2 -h / man rarun2

How to script radare2 ?

r2 -i <scriptfile> ... - run a script after loading the file => [video]

r2 -I <scriptfile> ... - run a script before loading the file

r2 -c $@ | awk $@ - run through awk to get asm from function => [link]

[0x80480423]> . scriptfile - interpret this file => [video]

[0x80480423]> #!c - enter C repl (see #! to list all available RLang plugins) => [video], everything have to be done in a oneliner or a .c file must be passed as an argument.

To get #!python and much more, just build radare2-bindings

How to list Source code as in gdb list ?

CL @ sym.main - though the feature is highly experimental

Reference Commands

CommandIDA Proradare2r2 (visual mode)GDBWinDbg
Analysis of everythingAutomatically launched when opening a binaryaaa or -A (aaaa or -AA for even experimental analysis)N/AN/AN/A
xref toxaxtxN/AN/A
xref fromctrl + jaxfXN/AN/A
xref to graph?agt [offset]?N/AN/A
xref from graph?agf [offset]?N/AN/A
list functionsalt + 1afl;istN/AN/A
listingalt + 2pdfpN/AN/A
hex modealt + 3pxaPN/AN/A
importsalt + 6ii:iiN/AN/A
exportsalt + 7is~FUNC?N/AN/A
follow jmp/callenters offsetenter or 0-9N/AN/A
undo seekescs-uN/AN/A
redo seekctrl+enters+UN/AN/A
show graphspaceagvVN/AN/A
graph viewspaceagvVN/AN/A
define as datadCd [size]dd,db,dw,dWN/AN/A
define as codecC- [size]d- or duN/AN/A
define as undefineduC- [size]d- or duN/AN/A
define as stringACs [size]dsN/AN/A
define as structAlt+QCf [size]dFN/AN/A
Start Process / Continue executionF9dcF9r and cg
Terminate ProcessCtrl+F2dk 9?killq
step intoF7dsssit
step into 4 instructions?ds 4F7si 4t 4
step overF8dsoSnip
step until a specific address?dsu <addr>?sg <addr>
Run until returnCtrl+F7dcr?finishgu
Run until cursorF4#249#249N/AN/A
Show Backtrace?dbt?bt
display RegisterOn register Windowsdr allShown in Visual modeinfo registersr
display eaxOn register Windowsdr?eaxShown in Visual modeinfo registers eaxr rax
display old state of all registers?dro???
display function addr + N?afi $$ - display function information of current offset ($$)???
display frame state?pxw rbp-rsp@rsp?i f?
How to step until condition is true?dsi???
Update a register value?dr rip=0x456?set $rip=0x456r rip=456
disassembly forwardN/ApdVpdisasuf, u
disassembly N instructionsN/Apd XVpx/<N>iu <addr> LX
disassembly N (backward)N/Apd -XVpdisas <a-o> <a>ub
Information on the bin
Sections/regionsMenu sectionsiS or S (append j for json)N/Amaint info sections!address
Load symbol file
Sections/regionspdb menuasm.dwarf.file, pdb.XXN/Aadd-symbol-filer
Stack TraceN/AdbtN/Abtk
Stack Trace in JsonN/AdbtjN/A
Partial Backtrace (innermost)N/Adbt (dbg.btdepth dbg.btalgo)N/Abt <N>k <N>
Partial Backtrace (outermost)N/Adbt (dbg.btdepth dbg.btalgo)N/Abt -<N>
Stacktrace for all threadsN/Adbt@tN/Athread apply all bt~* k
Breakpoint listCtrl+Alt+Bdb?info breakpointsbl
add breakpointF2db [offset]F2breakbp
Switch to threadThread menudpN/Athread <N>~<N>s
Frame NumbersN/A?N/Aany bt commandkn
Select FrameN/A?N/Aframe.frame
Display parametersN/AafvN/Ainfo argsdv /t /i /V
Display parametersN/AafvN/Ainfo localsdv /t /i /V
Display parameters/locals in jsonN/AafvjN/Ainfo localsdv /t /i /V
list addresses where vars are accessed(R/W)N/AafvR/afvWN/A??
Project Related
open projectPo [file]?
save projectautomaticPs [file]?
show project informationsPi [file]?
Dump byte char arrayN/Apc? (json, C, char, etc.)Vppppx/<N>bcdb
optionsoption menue?e
searchsearch menu/?Select the zone with the cursor c then /s

Equivalent of "set-follow-fork-mode" gdb command

This can be done using 2 commands:

  • dcf - until a fork happen
  • Then use dp to select the process to debug.

Common features

  • r2 accepts FLIRT signatures
  • r2 can connect to GDB, LLVM and WinDbg
  • r2 can write/patch in place
  • r2 have fortunes and [s]easter eggs[/s]balls of steel
  • r2 can do basic loading of ELF core files from the box and MDMP (Windows minidumps)