
Radare2 ships the QuickJS ES6/javascript runtime by default starting on versions 5.8.x, having a complete and standard programming language brings a lot of possibilities and ease

As long as javascript is a also a common target language for transpilation from many other languages it is possible to use this runtime for other programming languages, not just Javascript.

TypeScript is probably the primary choice because it is very well integrated with Visual Studio Code (or Vim, Helix, ..) offering autocompletion and other facilities for developing your scripts.

But it is also possible to use Nim, C (via Emscripten), Vlang, and many other languages.


You can run r2js scripts like you do with any other script:

  • Using the -i flag on the system shell when launching r2.
  • With the . command inside the radare2 shell.

The rlang plugin will be selected depending on the file extension. In this case the qjs rlang plugin handles the .r2.js extension.

For example:

$ r2 -i foo.r2.js /bin/ls

If you want to go back to the shell after running the script use the -q flag:

$ r2 -qi foo.r2.js /bin/ls


To enter the r2js repl you can use the -j command or flag.

0$ r2 -j
QuickJS - Type "\h" for help

Same command/flag works in the r2 shell too:

[0x00000000]> -j
QuickJS - Type "\h" for help

In this repl (read-eval-print-loop) shell you can run javascript statements, like the ones you would use in NodeJS.

The <tab> key can be used to autocomplete expressions.


The rlang plugin exposes the classic r2.cmd interface to interact with radare2. This means that you can run a command and get the output in response.


The R2Papi apis are also embedded inside the r2, this means that you can use the high level / idiomatic APIs too.

If the global r2pipe instance is available through the r2 object. The R2Papi one is available as R.

This is an example:

var r2 = new R2Pipe();
var R = new R2Papi(r2);


Frida-tools ship a TypeScript compiler that targets ESM and generates a single file containing all the js compiled files from a TypeScript project.

Radare2 supports the same esm-blob file format used by Frida, and if you don't want to depend on Python you can also use the native one distributed with the r2frida plugin named r2frida-compile.

For example:

$ r2frida-compile -o foo.r2.js foo.ts
$ r2 -qi foo.r2.js -


The easiest way to run typescript programs inside radare2 is by using r2frida-compile, but you can also use the standard tsc.