Shellcode Encoders

ragg2 offers a few ready-made shellcodes and encoders.

$ ragg2 -L
      exec : execute cmd=/bin/sh suid=false
       xor : xor encoder for shellcode

Using the '-i' option, one can generate specify and generate the shellcode.

$ ragg2 -i exec

Similar to the previous section, the output format(c, raw, elf etc.,) can be specified here too along with the architecture and bits.

ragg2 offers an xor encoder too. The following are the relevant flags/options.

$ ragg2 -h
 -c [k=v]        set configuration options
 -E [encoder]    use specific encoder. see -L
 -L              list all plugins (shellcodes and encoders)
$ ragg2 -E xor -c key=32 -i exec

The same can be done with a .c or .r file output. The first one is the normal output(machine code) and the second is xor encoded.

$ ragg2 -a x86 -f raw code1.c

$ ragg2 -E xor -c key=127 -a x86 -f raw code1.c